Monday 8 February 2016

              Importance of Vegetable Purifiers  
            Harmful chemicals such as insecticides and pesticides are a major challenge to our daily life. Nowadays more than half of the fruits and vegetables that we consume contain toxics which in turn lead to many diseases .So it’s essential to purify vegetables and fruits from this danger. Vegetable purifier makes vegetables and fruits safe for human consumption. Also oxidises residual bacteria’s and harmful chemicals from the surface of fruits and vegetables. Vegetable purifier not only cleans veggies also helps in cleaning hormones and antibiotics which remains in fish and meat. This also helps in eradication of bacteria and other harmful pathogens present in water. The main content of vegetable purifier is ozone gas which kills bacteria, virus, fungus and other pathogens from spreading diseases.
Most modern vegetable purifiers are portable, space saving with its unique design. Vegetable purifier works on the principle of ozone disinfection technology. Also they produce highly reactive ozone gas which could oxidise the traces of pesticides and other chemicals thereby, making food fit for human consumption. The food items purified by vegetable purifiers will remain fresh and will be free from odour for longer time.
Vegetable purifiers works based on ozone which is obtained from oxygen present in atmosphere. So it does not require any service or replacement of any parts. Other uses include bathing and feet cleaning. These purifiers are good for bathing as ozonised water is good and healthy for bathing. When water is ozonised the quality of water improves as it’s free from harmful germs and pathogens. Ozonised water is highly recommended as it controls athlete’s foot and ringworm of nails.
So the demand of vegetable purifiers is increasing as vegetables and fruits are contaminated with harmful chemicals. According to the recent researches and studies pesticides have harmful effects on humans.. These harmful chemicals also contains neurotoxins which makes a person light headed, dizzy and reduces coordination of body in short run. In long run it seriously affects learning capacities, brain damage and reduced IQ. When pregnant woman consumes these vegetables, the foetus will be exposed to these chemical which can result in birth defects.
It’s almost sure that the need of vegetable purifier will be of very high demand in the coming days as the use of pesticides and insecticides drastically increases. Higher yield in shorter period is the marketing and selling point of these chemicals. Pesticides also play a very crucial role in the contamination of water bodies. In the olden days farmers used organic techniques and methods of cultivation. To ensure bountiful and safe harvest natural techniques like crop rotation and companion planting were implemented. As commercial farming techniques become popular, natural methods were replaced by chemical fertilizers, pesticides and weedicides.